We will have our open house on Tuesday August 29th from 6:30-8pm. I have attached a blank schedule for you to have your students fill out their current schedule. This will be the schedule you follow that evening. Volleyball and Softball will have games on campus during open house. Please arrive early in order for you to park and get inside the building on time. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Brandi Wheeler
Open House Schedule

Reminder: No School 9/4/23 for Labor Day and 9/5/23 for Teacher Collaboration Day.

It's GAMEDAY! Tonight, the Dogs travel south on I-35 to take on the Moore Lions. Kickoff has been pushed back to 7:30pm due to the extreme heat this week. We would love to have you make the trip to Moore and cheer on the team. Logan Thomas, Head Football Coach

OU College Visit during tutorial 8/29 in room 107

Swim Team Parent Meeting 8/31 @ 5:30pm in room 107

Students that ride bus 104 will ride 23 going home today.

Attention Seniors: Click the link to buy your Senior shirt. https://idsolutionsonline.com/collections/edmond-memorial-seniors-24

EMHS Volleyball invites you to order a new shirt to support our 2 BIG home game events this year - Pink Out and Senior Night! (Note that the designs are not sport specific and can be worn throughout the year & beyond.) Check details on each link regarding delivery, and please be sure to include your complete contact information.
The Pink Out (Sept. 21) shirt proceeds will go towards our breast cancer awareness beneficiary or program. The Senior t-shirt proceeds go towards making our senior night (Oct. 5) reception for the seniors extra special while also paying tribute to the graduates!
Again, thank you for your continued support to EMHS volleyball! GO DOGS!
Pink Out Shirt
Senior 2024 Shirt

Reminder: School Picture Day is tomorrow August 23rd!

All Juniors and Seniors can stop by the book room today to get their student ID. Sophomores will be called tomorrow and Freshman on Thursday. Thank you!

Due to high temperatures our Howdy Picnic has moved to a new time. 8:30-10pm.

Come To Color Wars, Thursday August 24th, 7-8pm @track

Advisory Schedule until Monday, Sept 11, 2023

Howdy Week Dress Up Days Revealed. Follow emhs.stuco on instagram for all things Memorial!

The link below will take you to our online Bulldog Spirit Wear Shop. Feel free to take a look at the items available. Can't wait to see all of you this fall.

The Edmond Public School nurses recently attended the School Nurse Organization of Oklahoma (SNOO) Summit at the OU College of Nursing in OKC. Our nurses make a huge difference in the lives of our students! #epsleads #schoolnurse

On Monday August 7th, schedules will be released to the students who have met all of the requirements. Another round will go out on Wednesday the 9th. Please note that the schedule will be sent to the student's email only.
There will be no schedule changes during the walk through preview days on the 7th and 8th.
Starting on August 9th please refer to the picture below to see if your schedule needs a correction, otherwise there will not be any schedule changes allowed.

Attention Seniors: Senior Sunrise August 8th @ 6:30am at EMHS Stadium.

Senior-Sophomore Schedule Walk Through August 7th 8am-3pm. Freshman Schedule Walk Through and Chromebook Pick Up August 8th 8am-3pm.