Homecoming Week is October 2-6. Dress up day themes are pictured. More homecoming details to come. Follow @emhs.stuco on instagram for all the details.

10/01/23 Come to the Sand Volleyball Tournament sponsored by STUCO. 5 people @ $50 per team. Location: Crossings.

PHOTO RETAKE DAY: If you missed your opportunity to take a school photo for the yearbook, please plan on taking your photo on Oct. 5 in the gym foyer.

EMHS Student Council is pleased to announce and congratulate your 2023 Homecoming Court The election for our King & Queen will be held on October 4th. Freshmen: Kinsie Alexander & Max Thompson, Sophomores: Evyn Ackerman & Hudson Onan, Juniors: Paige Medley & Chidi Ibe, Seniors: Sydnee Seat, Annakate Lewis, Kathrin Rowe, Claire Mckinnon, Allison Wright, Vincent Mitchell, Carter Moore, Karson Evans, Dillion Stidwell, Bennett Bickle

The Memorial Swim Team is selling flats of pansies from Front Door Flowers!
Here are the details:
Cost is $25 a flat (price includes tax)
18 – 4”plants per flat
Assorted colors only
The online store link is
Order deadline is Saturday, September 23rd and Pick-Up is Saturday, September 30th at Front Door Flowers (301 W. Waterloo Rd, Building E, Edmond, OK 73025) from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.

Edmond FFA Fall Plant Sale.

Thursday, Sept. 21, we will be having our annual senior meeting for ordering caps and gowns, going over all info related to cost, reserving caps/gowns and going over honor cords. Seniors will be dismissed by intercom at 9:55 and the meeting should be over at 10:40 with seniors being back in class no later than 10:45.

EMHS Student Council is pleased to announce and congratulate your 2023 Homecoming Court
The election for our King & Queen will be held on October 4th.
Freshmen: Kinsie Alexander & Max Thompson,
Sophomores: Evyn Ackerman & Hudson Onan,
Juniors: Paige Medley & Chidi Ibe,
Seniors: Sydnee Seat,
Annakate Lewis,
Kathrin Rowe,
Claire Mckinnon,
Allison Wright,
Vincent Mitchell,
Carter Moore,
Karson Evans,
Dillion Stidwell,
Bennett Bickle

Francis Tuttle comes to our campus every year to put on the Academy Presentation for our 9th grade students! This year they come September 22, 2023 @9:15. The students and parents will receive an email from school messenger directing them to check in with 2nd hour and then go to the Auditorium at 9:15am. Francis Tuttle will present starting at 9:30am and conclude around 10:20 with about 15 minutes of questions and answers and hands on experience with something from each academy department.

Come fill the stands out at our Volleyball Pink Out on 9/21 as we take on Edmond North.

Our softball game on Thursday at home with Norman will now be Varsity only starting at 5:30.

Philharmonic and Symphonic Orchestra goes live on Youtube for parents to watch during the work day. We are proud of our amazing Fine Arts teachers!

Student Tickets for Friday Night's football game sold all day Fri @ Finance Office to help lessen the line at the gate. Buy your student tickets ahead of time! Cash tickets ($8.00)

Click here to read the September Bulldog Blast. https://www.smore.com/zryhu

Tonight's softball game (9/12/23) has been moved to Norman. Same times as scheduled. Click here to view our athletics website. https://www.goemhsathletics.com/

Our first HOME Football Game is this Friday, September 15th vs. Southmoore!
Please carefully review the complete GameDay Guide for this week's game, making notes of parking maps, safety information, and more.
Student Section Dress Theme: Jerseys
Individual STUDENT tickets may be purchased Thursday and Friday and the Finance Window ($8.00 cash) to help make the gate experience faster.
If purchasing tickets at the gate on Friday night, correct change is always appreciated!
All Students MUST have student ID for admission. No exceptions! Please see Karen Davis in the bookroom to obtain a new ID if the original is lost.
The STUDENT GATE will be just south of the main gate on the home side, and all other spectators will enter at the main gates on the home side.
EMHS Safety Graphic for Stadium
Following is a reminder of previously sent information regarding PASSES for EMHS HOME athletic events in case you haven't purchased your passes yet!
Please follow the link or copy into your computer browser to purchase electronic tickets or passes for this year’s sporting events
Student activity pass - $38 - provides entrance to all HOME athletic activities EXCEPT state-level playoffs & games. May NOT be shared with anyone other than the individual pass holder and is void after being scanned once per event
Adult All-Sports pass - $68 - provides entrance to all HOME athletic activities EXCEPT state-level playoffs & games. Includes one free child under the age of 12 per pass/per event
Adult Multi-Sport Discount Pass (similar to punch card) - $43 - equals 10 individual HOME event tickets (scans) which may be used by adults or guests designated by the card holder. Excellent option for those with multiple non-Memorial students, relatives, or friends attending events for special occasions (such as senior night, for example). May be screenshot and shared with family/guests, but void after the purchased or available number of scans has been used.
Individual Event Ticket Cash Prices:
Varsity Football - $8.00 per ticket, Kindergarten – adult
All other regular season, home game tickets - $5.00 each per person/per event, kindergarten-adult


Click here to read the September Bulldog Blast. https://www.smore.com/zryhu

Volleyball is doing a fundraiser all day Tuesday with Panda Express! Just order online or thru the app and use our code!

Friday Night Varsity Football for September 1, 2023
Memorial Bulldogs vs. Deer Creek Antlers (away)
@ Deer Creek High School Stadium, 6101 NW 206th St, Edmond, OK 73012
Kickoff time: 7:00 p.m.
Student Section Dress Theme: Camo
No backpacks or large bags/purses will be allowed in the stadium.
Get your Digital Tickets https://www.deercreekschools.org/district/athletics/high_school_digital_tickets
Ticket prices for varsity football:
$7.00 digital ticket (Hometown) for Students/Senior Adults
$8.00 digital ticket (Hometown) for Adults
$10.00 per person Cash Option
Come out and cheer our Bulldogs to Victory!