Swine Week Day 4 (Thursday)- Superhero vs. Villain!
about 20 hours ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week Day 4 Info
Swine Week Day 3 (Wednesday)- Neon! Evening Activities---- Car Show 6pm in the West Parking lot, $20 per car entry. Techno Dance 7pm-9pm in the Lower Commons, $10!
2 days ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week Wednesday Details
24 HOURS UNTIL COMEDIAN TREY KENNEDY IS AT SWINE WEEK! (Tuesday March 11th @ 7pm in the auditorium- following Family Night)🐷🐷🐷 get your tickets here: https://www.successfund.com/7qr8k
3 days ago, Ally Schreck
TRey Kennedy Swine WEek Show March 11th, 7pm
Swine Week Day 2 (Tuesday)- Jersey Day! Evening events---Family Night 4pm-7pm in the Main Building, FREE! Trey Kennedy 7pm in the Auditorium, $20 (While tickets last!)! Techno Showing 8:30pm in the Main Gym, $5! 🐷🐷🐷
3 days ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week Day 2 Info
Swine Week Day 1 (Monday)- Class Competitions! Faculty & staff: Black, 9th: Red, 10th: Blue, 11th: White, 12th: Pink! And don't forget about Swine Stock-- 7pm in the Lower Commons, $10 at the door! See you tomorrow 🐷
4 days ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week Monday Info
State Bracket is Out!!
4 days ago, Keith Pautler
State Bracket
***UPDATED due to our Girls Basketball team making it to state!*** SWINE WEEK ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE! 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 see you tomorrow!
4 days ago, Ally Schreck
swine week assembly schedule
SWINE WEEK ASSEMBLY BELL SCHEDULE! 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 Reminder Swine Week is NEXT week March 10-14!
6 days ago, Ally Schreck
EMHS Swine Week Family Night is Tuesday March 11th from 4-7pm! We would love for YOU (future Bulldogs, current Bulldogs, Alumni, and families!) to come join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating Swine Week! 🐷🐷🐷
7 days ago, Ally Schreck
EMHS Swine Week Family Night Tuesday March 11th, 4-7pm Free Admission. WHOLE community invited. Come see hall decor, scavenger hunts with prizes, food trucks, photo opportunities
Don't forget EMHS Alum and Comedian TREY KENNEDY will be doing a Swine Week comedy show on Tuesday March 11th @ 7pm in the auditorium! 🐷🐷🐷 get your ticket here: https://www.successfund.com/7qr8k
7 days ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week comedy show- Trey Kennedy, March 11th at 7pm. EMHS auditorium
We are gearing up for all things Swine Week March 10-14! 🐷🐷🐷 Start planning those dress up day outfits and get ready for an amazing week raising money to support The Comeback Kid Society!
10 days ago, Ally Schreck
Swine Week Overview!
The area bracket is out for our Lady Bulldogs as they head back into tournament play this Thursday @ Carl Albert...
10 days ago, Keith Pautler
Area Bracket
TWO SWINE WEEK EVENTS IN ONE NIGHT! Put it on the calendar now! You won't want to miss out! 🐷🐷🐷 Family Night 4-7pm in the main building! This event is FREE and EVERYONE is invited to join! There will be food trucks, tours, scavenger hunts, and more! THEN EMHS Alum and Comedian TREY KENNEDY will be doing a Swine Week comedy show on Tuesday @ 7pm in the auditorium! 🐷🐷🐷 TICKETS ARE $ 20 & you can get your ticket here: https://www.successfund.com/7qr8k
14 days ago, Ally Schreck
Trey Kennedy Swine week comedy show-- 7pm in the EMHS auditorium on March 11th use the QR code to get your ticket
Family night March 11th 4-7pm FREE for everyone
Assembly Schedule Today!!
14 days ago, Keith Pautler
Winter Sports Assembly
Don't forget - ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE Tomorrow - 2/27...
15 days ago, Keith Pautler
Assembly Schedule
Interested in Concurrent Enrollment? Join EPS for a Concurrent Enrollment Information Night in the Santa Fe High School Auditorium on March 3rd from 6-8pm!
16 days ago, Ally Schreck
EPS Concurrent Enrollment Information Night March 3 @ Santa Fe HS 6-8pm
25K IN A DAY IS TOMORROW!!!! Don't forget your cash! (Map of all booths in previous post!) 🐷💖✨💵🤑💲💕🎉🐷
16 days ago, Ally Schreck
25K in a day Feb. 26th
Activties and food prices
Swsine Parking Spot raffle and class comp money jars
Kenzies Konnections all day and Surf bar at 1st and 2nd lunch!
16 days ago, Keith Pautler
25K Setup
Students from our choir department and drama department are in Florida learning and observing from the best of the best at Disney. What an AMAZING opportunity for these students.
18 days ago, Keith Pautler
Choir Disney Trip
One last reminder that we start the new bell schedule today!
20 days ago, Keith Pautler
New Bell Schedule