Librarian photo in library reading a book

Library Media Center

Welcome to the Bulldog Library

Our mission is to “Empower All Students to Succeed in a Changing Society” as per the Edmond Public Schools Mission Statement. At Memorial, we work to inspire lifelong readers, researchers, and learners. Our purpose is to advance knowledge by providing access to materials and information as well as assistance. We support Memorial Faculty/Staff and students in accordance with their needs in order to ensure a collaborative, comfortable, and learning atmosphere.

Library Media Center Information

15,000+ Total Collection

12 Online Databases

4 Student Desktop Computers

1 Network Printer

Library Hours

7:50am – 4:00pm

Monday – Friday

Open for lunch

Contact Information

Myka Gilliam, M.Ed

Media Specialist
Phone: 405-726-6835

Bekah Joash

Media Specialist
Phone: 405-726-6836

Anna Lau

Media Assistant
Phone: 405-726-6837

Checking Out Books Online

  1.  Click here to access the Destiny Catalog. Select Edmond Memorial, then log in with your 3×4 and password in the upper right-hand corner.

  2. Search for a book by title, keyword, or subject or explore the “Collections” to find a book over a particular subject matter.

  3. Read the summary and determine which book you’d like to check out. Once you have decided, click the “Hold” button.

  4. Wait patiently and the library staff will notify you when the book is ready to be picked up.

Ebooks and Audiobooks

  1. Go to Look for the find my school button and choose Edmond Public Schools.

  2. Sign in with Google using your school account.

  3. From this page, you have access to approximately 500+ books. For more, click the drop down arrow at the top of the screen that says “Edmond Public Schools.”

  4. Select “Add a Library”

  5. Search for “Metropolitan Library System.” This will give you access to all the eBooks and audiobooks at the public library!