College Representatives at EMHS
EMHS College Visits 2023-24/Even Calendar - Search College Visit
EPS College and Career Readiness Website
How to plan a College Campus Visit
Juniors and Seniors are allowed (4) days for college visits each year. In order for these days to not be counted against attendance students must provide documentation of the visit.
On the morning of the day of the visit, a parent should email or call the absence to the EMHS attendance office, send and email or phone: 405-340-2861. After attending the student must provide documentation of the visit to attendance.
Regarding proof of the visit: The student will need to forward to attendance via email. The college letter received after the visit (this does not include a pamphlet or itinerary, etc., and does not include a confirmation of a scheduled visit stating “we are looking forward to your visit”). The college may send a follow-up email or survey or provide a letter regarding the visit (“we enjoyed having you on campus“). If the college doesn’t supply anything or email a “thank you for your visit“, the student may contact the college’s Admissions Office to FAX the letter to us at 405-330-7355 or email the letter.
Personal Profile 23-24 - Complete if you need a recommendation letter from a counselor.
College Applications and information
Click here for the links to all Oklahoma College, University, and Technology Centers applications. has gathered links for virtual tours of colleges in one location.
Click here to access the links.
Common App - Apply to college for the first time or transfer to complete your degree. Navigate your entire college application journey with Common App. Click here to find colleges that use the Common App

EMHS College & Career - Career Planning, High School Planning, College Planning, and more.
If current EMHS student, you have an account.
OkCollegeStart Login
Follow these steps to log in:
Log into your school Google Account using your school email and password. If on the school Chromebook, open up Google.
Go to your Google Grid (the 9 dots that you click on to find Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Sheets) and scroll down to the bottom to find the OkCollegeStart icon.
Click on the XAP-OkCollegeStart icon.
You are in!
Helping students plan for college and a career.
New – compare schools by major, cost, salary after attending, and much more from the U.S. Department of Education | |
O*NET OnLine offers a variety of search options and occupational data, while My Next Move is a streamlined application for students and job seekers. Both applications were developed for the U.S. Department of Labor by the National Center for O*NET Development. | |
Every two years, the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development releases a list of the state’s 100 most critical occupations. These occupations represent the most pressing needs in Oklahoma’s growth industries and are necessary to ensure continued economic prosperity. | |
UStrive – Free College Mentors | College Board has partnered with UStrive, a free, online mentoring program, students get an opportunity to connect with a mentor who can help them navigate college enrollment and financial aid, right from their phone or computer. |
Register online today at to attend the college fairs. Click here for more information. | |
Explore Oklahoma Colleges | |
Explore Careers | |
Resources to help you plan, prepare, and pay for college. | |
Explore careers & prepare for college | |
The profiles featured here cover hundreds of occupations and describe What They Do, Work Environment, How to Become One, Pay, and more. | |
Explore Colleges | |
Compare college costs and financial aid offers to see how they might impact you down the road. Just researching schools? | |
The Oklahoma College Assistance Program (OCAP), provides college access, aid awareness, financial literacy, and student loan management programs and services that benefit students, parents, schools, and community partners. | |
Get Schooled is your free, digital college, and job advisor. | |
Employment Projections |