Parent Organization
EdmondMPO@gmail.com |
Memorial Parent Organization (MPO) Mission Statement
The Memorial Parent Organization (MPO) is a parent/teacher organization whose membership includes all parents, legal guardians and staff at Edmond Memorial High School. The MPO’s mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff of the Edmond Memorial High School. Our efforts serve to enhance and maximize the education of every child while aiding them in achieving their highest potential. The MPO sponsors assistance to teachers in the classroom setting, provides supplemental educational materials and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children. It is our belief that the team effort of a parent-teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our students.
What MPO does: Financially support areas such as technology that enhance the learning environment at Memorial; Volunteer opportunities include teacher appreciation, occasional office help for counselors and administrators, the school newsletter, schedule pick-up day, senior awards assembly, test monitors and other needs within the school. We meet once a month during lunch. Check the MPO page on the school website for dates.
We invite you to join us at our monthly meetings. They are scheduled for the second Thursday of each month (except except October which is the 3rd Thursday due to Fall Break) and there are no meetings in December and May. Meetings are held in the Counseling Office “College Room.” We are always joined by various administrative staff members from the school so this is a great opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns.
We encourage you to be as much a part of your child’s high school experience as possible. There are many opportunities for volunteers to serve. These include teacher appreciation luncheons, occasional office help for the counselors and administrators, producing the school newsletter, volunteering to help on Schedule Pick-up days, the Senior Awards assembly, as test monitors for state-mandated tests, and various other needs within the school.
Thank you for your support of MPO and Memorial High School!