Good Morning and Happy November! Wow! It is hard to believe we are already in November, which means it's time for our Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving dinner will be next Thursday, November 9. On this day we will have two serving lines for the Turkey feast which will include Turkey, Roll, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, and a cookie. There will also be a variety of sides to choose from including Cranberry sauce. For the people that would like something different, on the deli line, for that day, we will serve a choice of baked potato, cheese burger or hamburger, chef salad, or a deli sandwich. We will also have a variety of sides to choose from on that side as well.
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
11.2.23 Announcements *The Welcome Center still has candy. So please come down to that office wearing your badge for some candy...But only if you are wearing your badge!!! *International Club meeting today during advisory We will celebrate El Día de los Muertos. We have cookies to decorate and Pan de muerto. Be on time !!!! *If you are bringing a guest to fall ball you must have a form completed by November 6th, forms can be picked up at the attendances office or FA *The Bulldog of the Day is: Livi Wolthius CONGRATULATIONS! *Make it a Great Day Bulldogs!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
Halloween Costume Rules/Guidelines 10/31/23 Students may opt to wear Halloween costumes to school on October 31st. School rules regarding dress code must be followed: No masks of full face paint. Nothing that promotes the use of illegal substances or activities or are derogatory, disrespectful or depict violence. ALL costume preparations to be completed at home. (No dressing or applying of make-up or colored hairspray once students arrive at school). No short skirts/shorts/tutus no bare midriffs, no bare shoulders, or low necklines. No weapons of any kind (nun chucks/sickles/swords/knives/guns, etc). Students wearing inappropriate costumes will need to call home to have a change of clothes brought up to them. PARENTS: Please help support and appropriate, distraction-free learning environment for all students by assuring that your student adhere to these guidelines.
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
Our next restaurant fundraiser is Wednesday, November 1st at Jo’s Famous Pizza! Come support the band at lunch or dinner and drop your receipt in the “Jo Gives Back” box on your way out.
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
band fundraiser
If you are bringing a guest to fall ball you must have a form completed by November 6th, forms can be picked up at the attendances office or FA.
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
star night
10/30 Announcements: *Congratulations to junior Sienna Collins for breaking the girl's 5-kilometer school record set just a few weeks ago! Sienna ran a blazing 18:35 5k in the State Meet Saturday at Santa Fe. She placed 10th in the state, making her an all-state athlete! We are so proud of Sienna as well as Savannah Hull, Jenna Doolen, Victoria Juneau, Ella Talley, Emily Miller, and Arden Williams for placing fifth in the state on Saturday. Congratulations to the entire cross-country team for an incredible season! *“Auditions for the spring musical, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast will take place this week. Auditions are open to all EMHS students. See Mr. Towne or Mr. Singleton with any questions.” *Students, if you are needing an ID, you will need to have them done before 2:00. *.If you are bringing a guest to fall ball you must have a form completed by November 6th, forms can be picked up at the attendances office or FA *The international club meeting will be tomorrow Tuesday the 31st. *The Bulldog of the Day is: Kinsie Alexander CONGRATULATIONS! *Make it a Great Day Bulldogs!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
Student Entrance Requirements for EPS athletic events: 1. Wear ID & Lanyard: All students attending any athletic event are required to wear their ID and lanyard. This will help us easily identify members of our school community and enhance security. No exceptions will be made for students without their ID and they will not be allowed to enter the event. This requirement will be in place for all EPS athletic events. 2. High School Students - Designated Student Only Entrances: Students from both high schools will enter through designated gates. These gates will be clearly marked and your student’s school will communicate where the gate is located before the game. Administrators from each school will check each student’s ID before allowing them to enter. 3. Elementary and Middle School Students: For elementary/middle school students, an adult must be present with them when entering the gates. Students are expected to remain with their parents/guardian throughout the event. This measure is in place to ensure their safety and enjoyment. 4. Students From Other High Schools: HS students from a school not participating in the game must be accompanied by an adult. Read the EPS Athletic Event Policy by clicking here:
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
badges 2
Bulldog Media will live stream the 10/27/23 Football game at the link
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
stream live
We can’t wait to watch! So proud of this team. Go Take State!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
state poster
6A-1 Coach of the Year: @kayla_carlsward #congrats @goemhsathletics
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
EPS will be hosting its annual Send-Off for the Edmond High School Marching Bands as they prepare for their state competitions. Come see all the band exhibition shows Thurs., Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. at the Edmond Memorial Bulldog Stadium. Admission is free. Donations will be accepted for Project 66, a non-profit food and resource center for those facing food insecurities. Good luck to each of our high school bands in their upcoming competitions! #EPSLeads #EPSFineArts
over 1 year ago, Edmond Public Schools
Come see all Edmond High School Marching Bands in their exhibition performances!  Oct. 26, 7 p.m. at Bulldog Stadium
Scary Movie night is tonight, featuring Coraline. $5 at the door. 8pm on the Football Field.
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
scary movie night
We want to thank everyone who came out to see and support Little Women this weekend! We are so proud of the amazing cast, crew, and orchestra students for their hard work and dedication to the production. The story of the March Sisters and their journey towards growing up will always be very special to us. Forever. #likeafortress #forever #emhstheatrearts post from @emhstheatrearts
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
Lady Bulldog Softball beats Owasso and moves on to defend their state title in the Championship Game, Saturday at OU @ 5pm. View on the NFHS Network Go Dogs!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
game score
post to twitter
Volleyball won regionals last night and punched their ticket to state! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
10/10/23 Announcements: *Your lady Bulldogs volleyball team is hosting regionals today in the main gym. We would love to see a large student section there to support our girls. Games are at 4:00 and 7:00. No passes allowed to be used, it is $10 to get in and you must have your IDs!! *Your Bulldog softball team competes in the first round of state on Thursday at 1:30 in Shawnee against Mustang. The permission slips were sent out yesterday and need to be filled out and are due by 1:00 Wednesday, if you plan to attend! There will be a student bus for the first 50 students who claim a spot which was also sent out yesterday! The theme is MAROON OUT and we need ALL of you there!! *Congrats to the Academic Team for winning their OSSAA District Seeding Tournament. High point scorers were Neha Kodali and Anderson Bell. *Girls track is having a give back fundraiser at Alfredo’s tonight on all dine and carry out orders. So go by there and have some great food and mention your with girls track. *There will be a French Club meeting tomorrow, Oct. 10, in room 242. Pay your dues so you can vote for officers. *Spanish Honor Society will meet this Thursday during Advisory in Mrs, Plett's room, 244. Moved from Wednesday. *Edmond MiniCon returns this year! It is EMHS's nerd convention with vendors, games, and a costume contest. Any student interested in helping with organizing this event should meet in the library today during advisory. Allons-y! (pronounced Al-onz- E) *Taking an AP Test? October 27th is the deadline to pay for AP tests. Pay for your test now in the Finance Office. If you pay after the deadline a $40 late fee will be added. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Elerick in the counseling office. *Prepare for Powder Puff, The cost is $25, and the event is Oct. 29th! *Come prep for the October ACT with Ms. Lewis and Ms. Wild The cost of the class is $100. Sign up now by emailing Ms. Lewis or Ms. Wild or stopping by Rooms 223 or 278. *The Bulldog of the Day is: Bella Glass CONGRATULATIONS! *Make it a Great Day Bulldogs!
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
Who: EMHS Parents and Guardians What: Parent/Teacher Conferences When: October 16th & 17th, 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm EMHS Parents and Guardians, Parent/Teacher conferences are just around the corner. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to speak to your student’s teachers about how they are doing in their classes. Advanced scheduling is not necessary; simply come at your convenience and the teachers will be available to you in their classrooms. In order to accommodate as many parents as possible, we ask teachers to limit conferences to 10 minutes per student. If you think that you will need additional time with a teacher, feel free to email them to schedule a separate conference with them accordingly. Please access the Parent Portal to identify your child’s classes and teachers. While in the portal you can view grade and attendance information that can help guide the conversation with the teachers. If you do not have a Parent Portal account please go to the Edmond Public Schools website ( and click on the Parent Portal tab to learn how to establish an account. We look forward to seeing you for Memorial’s parent-teacher conferences. Brandi Wheeler Principal
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
The softball state bracket for later this week was just released and I wanted to share that with you in case you wanted to follow along. Our first game is scheduled for Thursday at 1:30 at the Firelake Ball Fields in Shawnee. I know this is during school hours and you all might not be able to get away, but you can stream the game live on the NFHS Network. I do believe the cost is $10 to stream the game, same as it costs to come and watch it live minus the gas money, and the girls would love your support in any way that you can give it! :) We hope to have the DogPound out in high numbers on Thursday as well! The girls are excited and ready to compete! If you ordered one of our playoff t-shirts, we would love for you to wear them with us on Wednesday to show your support! Thank you and BEAT MUSTANG!! Downloadable Bracket: -- Kayla Carlsward
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
2023 HOCO King and Queen: Congratulations to Allison Wright and Bennett Bickle
over 1 year ago, ron crawford
HOCO King and Queen