Looking for your Bus Stop?
Our bus routing website, Versa Trans E Link is designed to help parents and students determine bus stop locations and stop times. Click the link and follow the instructions to find your child’s bus stop.
On school days, please have your child at the bus stop 5 minutes before the arrival time.
Afternoon drop-off times are approximate and not guaranteed.
Find Your 24-25 School by Using Your Address and Get Bus Stop Information
If you need additional information regarding your bus stop, or to request a new bus stop please send a message to Please include name of student and school in subject line.
Text Messaging to Get Real-Time Information on Bus Delays
EPS has a text messaging service for middle school and high school bus riders and their parents. Text messaging allows us to deliver important information about school closings, bus delays, and more via SMS text messaging.
Having Problems Receiving Text Messages?
If you are not receiving text messages, check with your phone carrier to make sure that shortcode messaging is enabled. Check with your wireless carrier for possible charges.
Having Other Issues with Bus Routes?
The EPS Transportation Department transports nearly 10,000 students to and from school each day. Sometimes bus routes and pick-up and drop-off times may be changed or delayed due to bad weather, traffic, road closures, late departure from schools, or other circumstances. If you want to provide feedback or suggestions about a bus issue please fill out the form below.
Contact Information
If you are experiencing problems, please call the Transportation Department at 405-340-2962. Please keep in mind that the office is extremely busy during the beginning and end of the day and someone may not be immediately available to take your call. Please try emailing
Who is Eligible to Ride a Bus?
Students in grades K-5 who live within the EPS boundaries and reside one mile or more from their schools are eligible for district transportation services. Students in Grades 6-12 who live within the EPS boundaries and reside one and one-half miles or more from their schools are eligible for district transportation. Occasionally, exceptions can be made.
A contract for the Code of Conduct must be signed by the parent and the student as one condition of eligibility. Generally, bus stops will be made within two to six blocks of a student’s home, depending on the age of the student transported. The maximum distance that a student should walk to a bus stop is set at one half (1/2) mile.